Elder Scrolls Online’s Bonus Event is back for a limited time!
Here’s how you can earn free Crown Crates or Trial ESO Plus as F2P.
To show our appreciation to existing ESO Plus members, we’re giving out up to six free Flame Atronach Crown Crates during the event period.
To participate in the ESO Plus Bonus Event, simply log into the game with an active paid ESO Plus membership (free trial membership does not count) each day from January 9 until January 15. Note that in order to qualify, each unique login must occur within a 24-hour time period that starts at 10:00 AM EST and ends at 9:59 AM EST the next day. If you remained logged in over a two-day period, it will only count as one entry! You must completely log out and back into the game; logging out just to the character select screen will not work.
When the event concludes, you’ll receive one crate for each day you logged in, up to a maximum of six, by January 18.
If you’ve never experienced ESO Plus, you can check out almost everything it has to offer for FREE for a limited time with our trial. We think you’ll find that an ESO Plus membership certainly has its benefits, including:
- Full access to DLC game packs – new zones, quests, dungeons and more!
- Includes the Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Shadows of the Hist, Horns of the Reach, and Clockwork City DLC game packs
- A Craft Bag offering you unlimited storage for all of your crafting materials
- Double Bank space for all the characters on your account
- 10% increase to Experience and Gold acquisition, Crafting Inspiration, and Trait Research rates
- Double Furnishings and Collectibles space in player housing
- Exclusive ability to dye costumes
- Double Transmute Crystal storage
- Monthly stipend of 1500 Crowns (available to paid members only)
Here’s how to get the ESO Plus trial and enjoy a week of benefits:
- Log into The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Navigate to the Crown Store.
- View the “Featured” category.
- Find and select the ESO Plus Free Trial.
It’s that easy to enjoy select ESO Plus benefits for the duration of the event!
For additional details, read the original article on elderscrollsonline.com.