Travel to Morrowind the home of the Dark Elves to earn double rewards and Event Tickets!
The Morrowind Celebration Event begins on Thursday, February 7 at 10:00 AM EST and will run until Monday, February 18 at 10:00 AM EST.
Earn Double Rewards
Earn double rewards from the following activities.
- Double drops from resource nodes
- Including Jewelry seams, but does not include nodes spawned from Survey Reports and Fishing Holes
- Double drops from all bosses (including the Halls of Fabrication Trial)
- Double reward boxes from all Daily Quests in the zone
Event Tickets
Earn Event Tickets from the following activities.
- One Event Ticket for the first World Boss Daily Quest completed each day
- One Event Ticket for the first Delve Daily Quest completed each day
You can earn a total of two Event Tickets per day per account, with a possible total of 24 by the event’s end.
Daily Quest Giver Locations
Vivec City Hall of Justice Hall of Justice North Entrance
World Boss Daily Quest Giver
- Beleru Omoril
Delve Daily Quest Giver
- Traylan Omoril
Note: To unlock the Dailies, you need to do the initial world story quest ‘Divine Conundrum’ found just outside Seyda Neen. Once you complete the quest go to the Notice Board near the Hall of Justice to get daily intro quest ‘A Call for Aid’. Completing this quest will give you access to the Dailies.
Quest Giver outside Seyda Neen Notice Board Location in Vivec City
Don’t forget there is
The Ashlander Dailies in Ald’ruhn also give double rewards but require some Vvardenfell world story progression to access. Note they do not reward Event Tickets.