There is a one-off mission found on Dantooine in its peacetime state on a Terminal inside one of the dwellings in the centre of the map (near the Republic Comms Centre).
Once you click on it, you have to find five items scattered around Dantooine. Here are there locations.
All these items are always found in the same spot but have a fairly long respawn time on them, sadly (no seriously the respawn times are ridiculous). When they’re highlighted blue and clickable, then you’re good to go!
Protocol Droid Remnant Found
Coordinates: 299,1131
Lightsaber Stash Found
Coordinates: -47,527
Archaeological Notes Found
Coordinates: 333,937
Tainted Blba Seeds Found
Coordinates: -173, 862
Preserved Kinrath Gland Found
Coordinates: -95, 316
Once you’ve found all the items, return to where the Terminal is and click on the Dropbox to claim your ‘rewards’ (Credits and CXP…)
Thank you Theho, for your assistance in finding these!
Well from what I have seen this mission is all screwed up. Tried to do it on one toon and git all the pieces except for the Archaeological notes, which was not glowing, yet the mission advanced to the “turn in to the Dropbox” message. Upon going there, I find that the Dropbox is not glowing either, so I can’t turn it in. I have another toon doing it now. So far the Lightsaber Stash is not glowing, nor is the Kinrath Gland.
Is there an order in which they have to be pucked up? The Blba seeds are not glowing either.