Do not read any further if you’d prefer to discover them for yourself!

Updated with Sensile Blossom Locations.
Find the Flirron Hatchling and feed it Tasty Morsels.
Feed the Flirron Hatchling one Tasty Morsel to discover the hidden achievement. You will need to feed the Flirron Hatchling a total of 15 times to complete the achievement.
The Flirron Hatchling has two known spawn locations. It is not at both locations at the same time.
Tasty Morsels can be found in the following locations. Click on one to collect it. It will go into your Mission Items tab in your inventory. The respawn time is roughly 5-10 minutes(?)
Known Tasty Morsel Spawn Locations
Onderon Botanist
Discover Strange subspecies of plants on Onderon.

- Glimmering Broadleaf
- Heliophysics Fungus
- Leeching Frond
- Sensile Blossom
- Uncanny Rotstem
All plants have at least two spawn locations. However, for the achievement, you only need to click on one plant of each type.
Glimmering Broadleaf
West of Ancient Sith Crypt and north-east of Proving Grounds along the Stream.
Heliophytoc Fungus
Northern and Central Caves and Oasis
Leeching Frond
North of Iziz and centre of the lake near Mandalorian Camp
Senile Blossom
East of the Imperial Cave Camp* and North of Iziz Bridge
*Thanks to Theho and their Guildmate for the tip!
Uncanny Rotstem
Ancient Sith Crypt (above)
Thank you for reading this Guide! If you have any tips or additional spawn locations for items feel free to share them here or DM me on Discord or Twitter.
can u add a note that it isnt necessary to re-farm the flirron pet once u obtained it ?
u can just search for the complete achivement in ur legacy and click on the pet icon on another character and it is granted there as well