Welcome to the Vengeance Juggernaut/Vigilance Guardian Discipline guide. This is a joint all in one Imperial and Republic terms guide. Throughout this guide we will cover many different aspects to increase your expertise in this specialisation, including concepts of gearing, rotation priorities, utilities, among many other aspects of your specialisation.
Vengeance Juggernaut Overview
When embracing the dark side of the Force, vengeance can be a powerful ally. With sustained and ruthless lightsaber thrusts delivered in the lithe Shien Form, the Vengeance Juggernaut increases damage without sacrificing defense-an ideal combination of tenacity and viciousness.
Vigilance Guardian Overview
Operating through a disciplned state of enlightened focus, the Vigilance Guardian defends by providing would-be attackers with a torrential offense.The Vigilance Guardian enters the fray nimble and alert,unleashing a whirlwind of lightsaber and Force attacksthat leaves any adversaries wondering what just happened-if they’re sill conscious.
New Format: When you go to each section of the guide click on the tab to view more details. You can hover over each section to see more information. There is a combination of text and in-game tooltips (via TORCommunity) to make user experience better.
Gearing and Stats
Armour PenetrationKinetic and Energy damage attacks ignore a portion of the target’s armourLegendary Amplifier Maximum: 2.50%
Periodic IntensityIncreases the damage dealt by periodic effectsLegendary Amplifier Maximum: 2.20%
Force SensitivityIncreases the damage dealt by Force attacksLegendary Amplifier Maximum: 1.00%
Weapon ExpertiseIncreases the damage dealt by weapon attacks.Legendary Amplifier Maximum: 1.20%
Statically Armour Penetration will yield highest DPS output.
You want to swap to Periodic Intensity in fights that you swap to for a higher yield DPS output.
PvE Single Target Tactical:
PvE AoE Target Tactical:
Survivability for Fights:
PvE Build:
6/7 2 Set: Mastery +2% 4 Set: Whenever you gain or use a Furious Power ability charge while in combat your damage is increased by 10% for 10 seconds. 6 Set: Dealing damage has a 10% chance to build a Furious Power ability charge. Can only occur once every 5 seconds.
PvP Build:
4/7 2 Set: Accuracy Rating +2% 4 Set: Enemies affected by Intimidating Roar have greatly reduced accuracy for 6 seconds after Intimidating Roar wears off.
With stats there are several versions of Best in Slot for PvE as there is level 70 and level 75 content. In all level 70 content (capped content, Legacy Raids) your Mastery, Endurance, and Power is capped. In level 75 content (Dxun/Nature of Progress, PvP, Objective Meridian) nothing is capped.
Note: Hover Over each stat to view each break down.
Rotation Priorities
Rotations can be subjective among different playstyles and from Parsing, Instance Encounter, PvP, and the different tacticals that are used.
Depending on your playstyle if you're a clicker or a key-binder there are a few ways to start a fight. There are two sets of openers that don’t start with Force Charge and that's because you should always start on the boss by the time the tank has done their countdown to start the fight. Some fights might require you to start from a distance either because of a mechanic or the nature of the fight.
Opener #1: This opener is for those that are beginners, clickers, or players that experience high lag.
Opener #2: This opener is for more advanced players, keybinders.
Opener #3: This opener is for starting a boss fight from a distance.
Opener #4: This opener is for starting a boss fight from a distance (higher DPS).
Core Rotation #1
Core Rotation #2 You can also substitute Sundering Assault with Enrage in either row depending on if you need that extra 6 Rage during that rows execution. As shown in Core Rotation 2.
Core Rotation #3 If you have enough Rage in either block you can skip out on using Sundering Assault and/or Enrage.
Shatter has the longest DoT when you dot spread with your first Vengeful Slam by the time you get to your second Vengeful Slam it should be off cooldown. Once you get on the Vengeful Slam spam it’ll be very rare for you to reapply dots.
As you have seen in the rotations I have placed a / at the end of each block. This is done due to the RNG aspect of how many stacks of / gained before being used, you could end up with enough in one block rotation to use on a filler. You want to think about rotation priority then / priority.
Also if you use a / with / the application of / only starts on the first hit of / and doesn't get applied to the other two hits of the ability.
Self Cleanse
Good to have a lower cooldown on your CC breaker mainly for PvP
Can be used for PvP. Can be used in PvE when you have to leap around for extra interrupts or if a boss teleports.
Can be used for PvP
With Cut to Pieces Tactical this Utility becomes useless.
More Rage
More Rage
Depends on the fight if your movement is impaired. Also perfect for PvP.
This can help reduce some damage around the tanks and other melee DPS’ers
This is perfect to give an AoE armour penetration
Mainly for PvP, can take in PvE if you need to stun faster like Turrets on Nahut.
In Vengeance you already have this immunity.
Useful when you need speed.
Okayish for PvP, would be okay for questing
Must take for fights your going to take AoE damage great combo with the Sonic Wall Utility
Mainly for PvP.
Self Cleanse A MUST Take Utility on fights that you want to Self Cleanse on.
If you can get leaps in a boss fight and not sacrifice anything important Utility or Ability wise.
Must Take for PvE and PvP helps get a DCD back faster.
Always take if you can its a better Utility over Through Power Utility
If you want more speed on fights like Hateful. Useful in PvP as Chilling Scream is your slow.
Mainly for PvP, can take in PvE if you need to stun faster like Turrets on Nahut.
Very limited for PvE not worth taking. It has some merit in PvP.
Helps get several interrupts and extra time on your reflect. Can be situational for PvE, extra time on a reflect in PvP could save your life.
Self Great for PvP, it can depend on how often you use Intercede in boss fights.
Abilities and Passives
Level Granted
Raid Tips
Zorn and Toth: The red and yellow can be reflected. I would not recommend standing in a purple circle. You can reflect Fearful from Zorn however it’s best to avoid attacking Zorn as a melee unless you need to help DPS Zorn.
Firebrand and Stormcaller: When on Firebrand you can taunt Incinerate Armour to help your tank out.Things you can reflect:
Double Destruction from Stormcaller,
Attacks from adds,
Lightning Pylons that the healer kits
Colonel Vorgath: You can reflect the boss' direct attacks if you have aggro and the turrets. If you get the grenade you can Mad Dash it.
Warlord Kephess: Reflectable Content:
Trandoshan Warriors,
Savage Arcing Slash
Writhing Horror: Spec into the Consuming Rage utility to self cleanse the Corrosive Slime which drops a yellow circle when cleansed.
Dread Guards: Heirad’s Force Lightning can be reflected. Ciphas Doom can be Mad Dashed.
Operator 9:
Kephess the Undying: Reflectable Content:
Focused Laser Blast,
Energy Distortions,
Volatile Emissions
Terror from Beyond: Reflectable Content:
AoE Tentacle Slam during the first phase,
Terror from Beyond Scream,
Hypergate Irregularity
Dashrode: In all modes when you get lost you can Intimidating Roar the adds and use the Enrage movement speed increase then Mad Dash when the adds catch up to you use the Chilling Scream dot utility to get extra movement speed and gives the adds a slow while dealing some damage to them while you make your way back to the boss.
Titan 6: In SM and HM when the boss goes up you can Mad Dash into the launch cloud to get to the boss faster and start DPSing again. NOTE: This does NOT work in Nightmare Mode. When you get the bomb in HM and NiM you can Mad Dash when it goes off to take no damage. You can also reflect the adds if you get aggro on them.
Nefra, Who Bars the Way: You want to take the Endure Pain utility to cleanse the dot every other time. It helps the healers out when you cleanse yourself as much as you can.
Gate Commander Draxus: When subteroths come out, get them to 50% then Mad Dash out to not get globaled from them. You can cleanse all the dots with the Endure Pain utility. Reflectable Content:
Subteroth Explosion: however Mad Dash is better to use to survive, Force Lightning
As a Melee DPSer you spend a lot of time on your toes staying out of mechanics that is intended for DPS but also any cleave damage from bosses. Always practice moving and attacking, I call it improving your footwork I find the best way of getting this practice is doing PvP. PvP combat is always changing to be unpredictable which not only helps you improve attacking on the run but with when and how to use defensive cooldowns, and gives you better awareness of movement. Don’t just do PvP you should also get into any raids even SM raids to get a base understanding of the working mechanics. If you can always try to do the harder mode mechanics to keep practising them when you go into HM/NiM raids.When an encounter pull is unsuccessful don’t just run back and thinking everything is ok. Think about that pull and understand why it was unsuccessful. Ask yourself what you could have done better and what the team could have done better for a kill.
I highly recommend using Starparse at any time your running content. In PvP, it's a great way to get a sense of how your DPS is in any given short window. In PvE always have it open to track how your DPS is on each fight even if it’s a pug run. You should always try to get the highest DPS on each boss. In any unsuccessful encounter pull set goals for yourself to get higher DPS than the pull before.
You should always take some time to hit a parse dummy and work on rotations Take an hour or two every day to parse and set parsing goals for yourself.
About the Author and Thanks
Hi, I’m Andynul, I’m a Family and Friends beta tester for SWTOR since 2009, and have been playing SWTOR ever since. While I’ve been playing for a long time I didn’t start raiding much until near the end of 3.0. I have cleared almost all HM content on almost every class and cleared most of NiM on a Juggernaut. I want to thank Puddlejumper from <Failure>/<Sick Twisted Individuals> for kickstarting me into raiding, also want to thank Yolo from <Zorz>/<Failure> and Kalizo from <Failure> for the helpful advice and tricks to help make me become a better player. I also want to thank those who are in or associated with <The Obsidian Order> with the great time we spent on Revan and the great bagel memes with some hot Russian music.