The next Star Wars The Old Republic Game Update, 7.0.2, is being released on Tuesday, April 26th! Elements of it were available on the PTS for testing. It includes a lot of nice quality of life changes. Everything we know about SWTOR Game Update 7.0.2 comes from the Developer Tracker, the PTS and Patch Notes.
- Game Update 7.0.2 Release Date: Tuesday, April 26th
- Maintenance Downtime: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT (1300 – 1700 UTC)
- Patch Notes:
Weapons in the Outfit Designer
Weapons in the Outfitter (originally meant to be a part of Game Update 7.0) is the main feature of Game Update 7.0.2. It was announced at the end of the 7.0.2 PTS cycle that Weapons in Outfitter would be included in this update instead of 7.1 as expected.
PvP Bolster Fixes
A fix is incoming to address players with gear higher than 326 in Warzones and Arenas having a slight stat advantage.
Patch Note:
“Level Shift is now correctly scaling gear down in PvP matches.“
Sadly, there does not appear to be a fix in the patch notes for augments not counting in PvP.
PvP /Stuck Command
Now for some good news! The /stuck command has been reenabled in Warzones and Arenas.
Level Sync and Companion Fixes
The developers have determined the root cause of a bug that was causing item ratings in Level Synced content to be inaccurately computed. This didn’t result in major stat changes but was the cause of some stats appearing to be worse after the 7.0.1 update in content that was Level Synced.
The root cause for companions suddenly becoming worse tanks or not drawing aggro or dealing damage as expected was a bug in how their base stats were applied when loading into a planet or area. This caused some of their stats to be missing or inaccurate, which made things like their taunt ability or area of effect damage abilities miss their target NPC every time.
Patch Note:
“Fixed an issue where companions were missing attacks, taunts and heals, as well as some of their stats.“
Gear Currency Renames
The new gearing currencies introduced in 7.0 are being renamed in 7.0.2.
- Medal of Commendation is now Conquest Commendation
- Aquatic Resource Matrix is now Daily Resource Matrix
- Hazardous Matter Catalyst is now OP-1 Catalyst
- Thyrsian Production Accelerant is now WZ-1 Accelerant
- Decurion Isotope Stabilizer is now FP-1 Stabilizer

Increased Tech Fragments from various sources
- Random World Drops of Tech Fragments and other endgame currencies will no longer be single currency drops, we’ll be introducing bags of individual currency. These bags will be consumed as soon as they are looted and the currencies will go to your currency tab. If you are already at the currency cap these bags will be consumed and no currency will be granted.
- The amounts in bags we’re targeting are: 20 Tech Frags, 10 Conquest Commendations, and 5 for WZ-1 Accelerant, OP-1 Catalyst, FP-1 Stabilizer, and Daily Matrices.
- Tech Fragments rewarded from individual Daily Area and Heroic Missions increased to 30 (up from 10)
- Tech Fragments rewarded from the Personal Conquest goal increased to 500 (up from 250)
Exchanging Tech Fragments for Conquest Commendations
Players will be able to exchange extra Conquest Commendations (formerly Medal of Commendation) directly for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War vendor at a rate of 50 Conquest Commendations for 50 Tech Fragments.
Patch Note:
“Conquest Commendations can now be exchanged for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War Vendor.“
PvP and GSF Reward Changes
Improvements to Unranked Weekly Mission Rewards: [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor and [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War:
- WZ-1 Accelerants are now 110 (up from 55)
- Tech Fragments are now 1500 (up from 450)
- Daily Matrices are now 20 ( up from 8)
Improvements to Unranked Daily Mission Rewards: [DAILY] March Them Down and [DAILY] No Quarter
- Tech Fragments are now 150 (up from 75)
The Galactic Starfighter Weekly rewards have been reduced.
- Tech Fragments for [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter are now 850 (down from 1000)
Group Ranked Weekly
- Tech Fragments for [WEEKLY] Go Berserk are now 1750 (down from 2000).
Increased Tech Fragments from Operations Bosses
The amount of Tech Fragments that drop from Operation bosses are changing. Here are the amounts per boss for the various difficulties.
Story Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 150 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 300 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 550 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2000 Tech Fragments
Veteran Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 200 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 650 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2500 Tech Fragments
Master Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 225 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 825 Tech Fragments
- Total: 3000 Tech Fragments
Adjustments to Conquest Commendation Cap
The developers have determined via feedback that players are hitting the currency cap on Conquest Commendations well before other currencies. To help this we’ll be making some adjustments:
- The currency cap of Conquest Commendations will be raised to 2500 (up from 999)
- The weekly cap of Conquest Commendations will be raised to 1500 (up from 999)
- As mentioned above, Conquest Commendations will be exchangeable for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War Vendor.
Allowing progress on losses for Unranked Warzones
The developers want PvP queues and matches to be healthy, so they’re going to be modifying Unranked Warzone missions to allow players to progress even if the match is lost. They took a look at the average completion time of Unranked Warzones compared to Galactic Starfighter matches and arrived at three losses equal to one win for progression.
The following Missions will allow progress on loss (Wins will count 3x):
- [DAILY] Zero Tolerance
- [DAILY] March Them Down
- [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
- [DAILY] United We Stand
- [DAILY] No Quarter
- [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
- [WEEKLY] The War Front
Reduction of CM-1337 component costs and requirements
- The required OEM-37 and RPM-13 to create a CM-1337 has been reduced to 5 OEM-37 and 5 RPM-13 (down from 7 OEM-37 and 14 RPM-13).
- The cost of OEM-37 and RPM-13 on the Spoils of War vendor has been reduced to 4,000 (down from 5,000 previously and 10,000 originally)
This reduces the total Tech Fragment cost of an Augment to 40,000 Tech Fragments. This is more expensive than upgrading your Legendary Implants as we do want players to focus on their Implants and gear before pursuing Augments.
Full 7.0.2 Patch Notes
Here are the full Patch Notes.
- Weapons in Outfitter – The new customization functionality is now live! You can now have one weapon (or weapons for dual-wielding combat styles) equipped which will determine the stats applied to your character, and stamp the appearance of another weapon of the same type via Outfitter.
- Double XP Event – Starting May 3rd (12:00 UTC) and lasting until May 10th (12:00 UTC) there will be a week-long Double XP Event! Enjoy a full week of Double XP and Valor.
- The following currencies have been renamed to clarify what content the currencies are related to:
- Medal of Commendation is now Conquest Commendation
- Aquatic Resource Matrix is now Daily Resource Matrix
- Hazardous Matter Catalyst is now OP-1 Catalyst
- Thyrsian Production Accelerant is now WZ-1 Accelerant
- Decurion Isotope Stabilizer is now FP-1 Stabilizer
- Currency is no longer lost when opening a currency lockbox while the player is at the Weekly cap.
- There is now a message “You have exceeded the < currency limit > weekly limit!” informing that the currency limit has been reached and the lockbox returns in the inventory.
- Currency icons no longer appear dimmed when the Inventory window is reopened while the Materials window is active.
- Fixed an issue where companions were missing attacks, taunts and heals, as well as some of their stats.
- It is no longer possible to claim Guest Companions’ gear once they become unavailable.
- Updated the Companion icons in the Legacy “Global Unlocks” to match the other icons size.
- Updated the description of the following Companion’s effects to remove the Strength, Aim, Willpower, and Cunning mentions as those no longer exist:
- Mark of Power
- Force Valor
- The compact option in the inventory window is now correctly working.
- The comparison pop-up is now correctly displayed when hovering on gear from the inventory.
- There is now a clear distinction between locked and unlocked Utilities in the Character Sheet window.
- Fixed a few typos across the game.
- Fixed sound effect issues on several buttons across the game.
- The zoom in/out and rotation buttons no longer appear on the “Origin” screen as this option is not available on this screen.
- Slugfall Cantina on Mek’Sha is now a rest area.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Manaan from appearing in the ship arrival scene for the Invasion Zone destination.
- The Ability icons in the Loadout tab no longer light up when selected, as intended.
- Discipline names no longer overlap with the item ratings.
- Improved the readability of the Item Recovery number from the Inventory window of the Character Sheet.
- Added the “details” button to the Companion tab in the Character Sheet window.
- Emotes window now correctly displays a list of locked and unlocked emotes when redeeming an emote from the Inventory window while the Emotes window is opened.
- Healing Ability tooltips are now correctly updated based on the level scaling.
- Dragging an unbound weapon into an occupied off-hand slot no longer automatically equips the weapon to the main-hand.
- It is now possible to drag the character’s position in the Preview window.
- Fixed the issue where the armor values were sometimes incorrect when shifting the level of a player. This occurred if the player was being shifted to an item rating that did not exist for the quality of the item they were wearing.
- The Damage value shown in the character sheet is no longer displaying higher than intended. Players will notice the value has been reduced by roughly half, this is only a display change and has no impact on the damage they deal.
Cartel Market
- Fixed the names of the following Advanced Mystic Hazel Color Crystals on the Cartel Market to match the item names:
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel War Hero’s Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Hawkeye Crystal
Items + Economy
- Fixed texture issues on the following weapons:
- Raider’s Cove Med-Tech’s Blasters
- Blastech T-189 Rifle
- Blastech T-189S Sniper Rifle
- Spoils of War set bonuses now correctly state that they do not apply above level 75.
- Fixed an issue on several Pummeler’s Lightsaber items which incorrectly had Alacrity instead of Critical Rating.
- Premium Gear Containers from Onslaught Missions are now correctly rewarding gear.
- Kai Zykken’s Unidentified Set Bonus boxes now correctly grant items.
- Fallen Master Ranos Customizations 1 and 2 can now be unlocked in Collections, as intended.
- Artifact Lockboxes from Ossus can now be opened.
- It is now possible to change the default position of the “Seeker Probes” decoration.
- Gear icons of Galactic Season 2 weapons are now correctly updated when a mod is added.
- Locked Supply Crates are no longer destroyed if the Alliance Specialist conversation to unlock those is canceled and the player’s inventory is full.
Combat Styles
- The Ability window is no longer overlapping with the Ability Tree after opening the Combat Style window and alternating between the Abilities tab and Ability Tree tab.
Combat Styles Changes
- Updated the tooltip of Hord’s Makashi Strike Tactical to mention the “Riposte Form” buff.
- Fixed an issue with the Blade of the Elements Tactical where the critical hit chance bonus wasn’t correctly being applied when building Clairvoyance with Whirling Blow.
- Keeper of Peace now correctly consumes Conveyance.
- Keeper of Peace now heals the lowest health target within its AoE range.
- Center Point – When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Returning Light – Sever Force triggers Returning Light when it ticks. Rate limit reduced to 3 seconds (from 5 seconds).
- Eternal Torment – When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Creeping End – Creeping Terror triggers Creeping End when it ticks. Rate limit reduced to 3 seconds (from 5 seconds).
- Rally now correctly consumes Force Bending.
- Rally now heals the lowest health target within its AoE range.
- Fixed a discrepancy between Marauder and Sentinel Ability Tree with a mod related to Rebuke / Cloak of Pain.
- Fixed the issue where Immortal Juggernaut did not receive damage reduction after activating Retaliation.
- Tactical Armor and Infused Kolto Packs stacks can no longer be clicked off.
Shield Specialist
- Pulse Cannon now does all ticks of damage.
- Kill Zone – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Ricochet Rounds – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Tactical Strike – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Energy Yield and Energy Heal stacks can no longer be clicked off.
- Open Flame – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
Advanced Prototype
- Heat Zone – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Retracted Refresh – When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Pugnacity now correctly applies a +20% crit damage buff.
- Fixed an issue where certain Sharpshooter passive mods were activated by offhand weapon damage.
- Fixed an issue with the “Aim Assist” Ability mod so it properly gives the correct critical hit chance bonus.
- Stim Boost now correctly applies a +20% crit damage buff.
Crew Skills
- It is no longer possible to craft Nightmare Fury Crystal.
- Corrected an issue preventing the creation of GSI Triangulation Enhancer Mark II.
- Reduced the health and damage for all enemies of the following Flashpoints:
- A Traitor Among the Chiss (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Crisis on Umbara (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Lost Island (Veteran and Master Mode)
- The Nathema Conspiracy (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Reduced the health of all enemies in Spirit of Vengeance (Solo Mode)
- Completing any Activity Finder Flashpoint now correctly grants 2 points towards “Technological Advancements” Mission.
- The German description of the Ranked Arenas in the Activity Finder is now correctly displayed.
Directive 7
- Fixed the visual effect during the clone fight in Directive 7 Flashpoint.
The Esseles
- Completing the Esseles Flashpoint is now correctly granting credit for “Technological Advancements” Mission – Story and Veteran Mode.
Ruins of Nul
- Sa’har’s collar is no longer clipping through the neck during the cinematics of Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.
- Fixed the visual issue on Apex Ranphyx’s teeth and horns during the Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.
- The description of the [WEEKLY] The Nature of Progress (Story and Veteran Mode) now correctly shows the complete list of required bosses to complete the Mission.
- OEM-37 has been removed from Operations drops and Missions.
- Rewards have been adjusted throughout Operations to be more balanced. The new Tech Fragments values per boss are listed below. More information in this forum post.
- Story Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 150 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 300 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 550 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2000 Tech Fragments
- Veteran Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 200 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 650 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2500 Tech Fragments
- Master Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 225 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 825 Tech Fragments
- Total: 3000 Tech Fragments
- Story Mode Operations
Scum and Villainy
- It is no longer possible to avoid the effects of the Sandstorm during the Dash’roode encounter in the Scum and Villainy Operation.
Missions + NPCs
- Changes to rewards for PvP, GSF, and Operations have been made. More information in this forum post.
- Tech Fragments rewarded from individual Daily Area and Heroic Missions increased to 30 (up from 10)
- Tech Fragments rewarded from the Personal Conquest goal increased to 500 (up from 250)
- Players will be able to exchange extra Conquest Commendations directly for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War vendor at a rate of 50 Conquest Commendations for 50 Tech Fragments.
- Broonmark is no longer hostile to Republic players during the Alliance Alert “The Last of His Kind”.
- Elite Droid enemies are no longer spawning during the Regnant encounter in the Ruins of Nul Flashpoint – Solo and Story Mode.
- Rebalanced the Purifier Droids encounter in Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die – Knights of the Eternal Throne.
- Players are now teleported to the Odessen’s Alliance Camp Headquarters after defeating Aries in Chapter V: Ascension – Knights of the Eternal Throne.
- The dialogue line in the cinematic for converting Tech Fragments now mentions the correct amount of Tech Fragments required.
- Player characters with Scoundrel or Powertech as the active combat style no longer draw an invisible weapon in the cinematics of “Eve of Destruction” Mission.
- Player characters with Assassin as the active combat style now correctly use a dualsaber during the following cinematics:
- Mashallon encounter in “To Kill a Legend” Mission.
- Overseer Tremer encounter in “A New Master” Mission.
- Mission Rewards in the Activity Finder window no longer overlap each other when there are Provided rewards and Selected rewards.
- Fixed Colonel Gallo’s position during the “Rig the First Emplacement” step of “Dead in the Water” Mission – Republic side.
- An invisible Ephemeris has been removed from the Ephemeris encounter in the Star Fortress – Story Mode.
- The camera shake no longer persists during the final cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion Mission.
- Koth’s Crew is no longer hanging out on the Gravestone before being recruited in Chapter IV: The Gravestone – Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Arenas + Warzones
- /stuck command can now be used in PvP Arenas and Warzones.
- Level Shift is now correctly scaling gear down in PvP matches.
- The following Missions now allow progress on loss (Wins will count 3x):
- [DAILY] March Them Down
- [DAILY] No Quarter
- [DAILY] United We Stand
- [DAILY] Zero Tolerance
- [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
- [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
- [WEEKLY] The War Front
- RPM-13 has been removed from Group Ranked Daily and Weekly Missions.
- [WEEKLY] A Surprising Offer Missions have been removed from the Fleets.
- Improved Unranked Weekly Mission Rewards for [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor and [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War:
- WZ-1 Accelerants are now 110 (up from 55)
- Tech Fragments are now 1500 (up from 450)
- Daily Matrices are now 20 (up from 8)
- Improved Unranked Daily Mission Rewards for [DAILY] March Them Down and [DAILY] No Quarter:
- Tech Fragments are now 150 (up from 75)
- Reduced Ranked Weekly Rewards:
- Tech Fragments from [WEEKLY] Go Berserk! has been reduced to 1750 (down from 2000)
- Changes made to Galactic Starfighter rewards:
- Tech Fragments from [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter are now 850 (down from 1000)
- Processed Isotope Stabilizers have been removed as reward and added to Jawa Vendors for exchange
- The cost of OEM-37 and RPM-13 on the Spoils of War vendor has been reduced to 4,000 (down from 10,000).
- The required OEM-37 and RPM-13 to create a CM-1337 has been reduced to 5 OEM-37 and 5 RPM-13 (down from 7 OEM-37 and 14 RPM-13).
- Adjustments made on Conquest Commendations:
- The currency cap of Conquest Commendations has been raised to 2500 (up from 999)
- The weekly cap of Conquest Commendations has been raised to 1500 (up from 999)
- Conquest Commendations can now be exchanged for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War Vendor.
Galactic Seasons
- Players who didn’t receive the “Sliced Cybernetic Visual Enhancement Implants” prior to 7.0.1 fix can now claim it back from the rewards track.
- The tooltip of the Galactic Season Token from the Galactic Season Login Rewards window now correctly disappears when moving the mouse away.