Here is my overview of the SWTOR Game Update 7.1 Developer Livestream. This stream took place on Thursday, July 28th, 2022.
The developers discussed the various story threads and showed off some of the rewards we’ll be able to get from various content in 7.1. They also discussed some of the new content coming including the R-4 Anomaly Operation and the Manaan Daily area.
I’ve also included things in this overview that weren’t mentioned on the developer stream but we already know about from the PTS.
Game Update 7.1 will be released on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022.
PvE Content
- R-4 Anomaly Operation
- Story Mode and Hard Mode only
- 4 Bosses
- Gear Drops 332 SM, 340 HM
- Multiple Decoration Drops
- Mark of Mastery Achievements
The Wings of Nihrot is the new Mount that drops from the third boss, Lord Kanoth in HM. It is supposed to be a rare drop.

PvP Changes
- New Gear Tier – 328
- Item Modifications
- Augments?
- Bolter 328?
Nothing beyond gearing was mentioned on Developer Livestream about PvP in 7.1. Charles Boyd did briefly mention the 7.2 PvP Revamp in his outro.
Manaan Daily Area
- Reputation Track and Rewards
- Hidden Achievements
The daily area will only be accessible after post Legacy of the Sith Story is completed.
Game Update 7.1 Story
- Malgus
- Manaan
- R-4 Anomaly
Darth Malgus story thread.

R-4 Anomaly background story.

The Manaan story will be continuations of both faction’s stories from Legacy of the Sith.
Game Update 7.1 Gearing
- New Gear Tiers (all paths)
- Conquest – 328 -> 330
- Flashpoints – 328 -> 330
- PvP and GSF – 328
- Operations (R-4 Only) – 328 -> 330 SM, 332 -> 340 HM
- Legendary Implants – 332 -> 334
- Item Modifications (some paths)
- 328 & 330 Prototype (Blue) and Artifact (Purple)
- Operations, Flashpoints and PvP
- New/reskinned Tacticals
The developers did not mention Item Modifications for R-4 Anomaly level gear.

The Tacticals mentioned in the Livestream are likely referring to these ones mentioned some months ago on the developer tracker.

Specifics related to obtaining item modifications will be revealed in an upcoming post.
Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event
- New Rewards
- Drop rate changes
- Less currency, more rewards from slots
The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event will be running from August 2nd – September 13th. They showed off a preview of some of the new rewards available. More details will be published in an article on their website.

Quality of Life Changes and Miscellaneous
- Class Symbol Colour Customisation
- Classic and Colour Blind preset options
- Stat scaling in level-shifted content
- Outfit Slots increased to 32 + Outfitter Improvements
- Chat Window Improvements
- Subtitle Text Customisation
- Shadow and Larger Font
- Different Font Colour/Size
- New Cartel Market Items
- Class Changes
Beyond Game Update 7.1
Charles Boyd gave us a brief teaser of what we can expect beyond 7.1.
- PvP Revamp
- New full-fledged planet – Ruhnuk
- More Flashpoints
- More outfitter improvements
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