Elsweyr PvP News and Info Round-Up
This past week the Press NDA was lifted and loads of new Elsweyr info has been revealed! The Devs have also done a couple of Livestreams. Here’s all the PvP information and news I could find for your convenience.
This past week the Press NDA was lifted and loads of new Elsweyr info has been revealed! The Devs have also done a couple of Livestreams. Here’s all the PvP information and news I could find for your convenience.
Warden Healing Build and Guide is currently focused on small/large scale Cyrodiil PvP.
‘The Curious Turtle’ is a new bi-weekly column I’m starting where I discuss anything ‘Elder Scrolls Online’! My aim is to do at least two articles a month. ‘Can’t these bloody milk drinkers handle a bit of extra siege damage? It’s called PURGE! Put it on your bar for god’s sake!’ It was certainly an interesting week in Cyrodiil after Wrathstone launched. The Devs
The Curious Turtle – How much damage should Siege do? Read More »
One of the major quality of life improvements coming in Update 21 (25th Feb) is a completely revamped Guild Trader UI. Here are the key features of the new Guild Trader UI. A Search Function that prompts as you type Saves Recent Searches Categories and Subcategories Search Refining Parameters Result Sorting Here’s a screen grab
Travel to Morrowind the home of the Dark Elves to earn double rewards and Event Tickets! The Morrowind Celebration Event begins on Thursday, February 7 at 10:00 AM EST and will run until Monday, February 18 at 10:00 AM EST. Earn Double Rewards Earn double rewards from the following activities. Double drops from resource nodes
There are a few additions coming to the Jester’s Festival this year including some new Jester’s Festival Achievements along with some new rewards.
Elder Scrolls Online’s Daily Login Rewards for February 2019! The rewards will come up as a pop-up screen when you log in. All you have to do is manually claim each reward simply by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can access the Daily Login Rewards via the Crown Store. Sun’s Dawn Rewards (February 2019) There are a total
The Wrathstone DLC/Update 21 is introducing a bunch of new Outfit Styles and a Crafting Motif which players will be able to get from a variety of sources*. *Note some of these Styles/Motif may not come out with Update 21. More information can be found on the PTS Forums. PTS 4.3.0 Patch Notes – https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/454456/pts-patch-notes-v4-3-0
New Outfit Styles and Crafting Motif Coming in Update 21 and Beyond Read More »