Elsweyr PvP News and Info Round-Up
This past week the Press NDA was lifted and loads of new Elsweyr info has been revealed! The Devs have also done a couple of Livestreams. Here’s all the PvP information and news I could find for your convenience.
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This past week the Press NDA was lifted and loads of new Elsweyr info has been revealed! The Devs have also done a couple of Livestreams. Here’s all the PvP information and news I could find for your convenience.
The developers have surprised us by announcing a couple of major changes coming to PvP in 2019. Specifically to Cyrodiil and Imperial City. These changes are slated to come out with the Elsweyr Chapter in June. Additionally, there will be a new Battleground Map in the Wrathstone Dungeon DLC and performance improvements in Cyrodiil which
The Racial Passive Changes have finally been posted on the forums! Here they are for you to peruse. See the official forum post for full developer commentary. When the changes go live, they’ll be refunding all points spent on racial passives so players will have to reallocate their points. They will also be giving players