If you enjoy Xam Xam’s content here on MMO Bits or on her Twitch Stream, here are a few ways you can support her ability to continue making content!
To learn more about Xam Xam and MMO Bits, check out the About MMO Bits Page.
Follow Xam Xam on Social Media
Just simply following your favourite content creators on various social media channels can be super helpful and open up opportunities for them later on! So please consider following Xam Xam on all the socials you have!
Here are the main ones she is most active on and/or wants to build-up more followers.
See Linktree for links to all her socials – https://linktr.ee/xamxam
Donate Bits (Cheer) or Subscribe to my Twitch Channel
Twitch Channel – https://www.twitch.tv/xam_xam
Subscriber benefits:
- Ad-Free viewing
- Shiny emotes!
- Exclusive Discord Channel Access includes early access and exclusive content (link your Twitch account with Discord)
- Tier 1 Subs get the same benefits as $5 Beskar Patrons
- Tier 2 & 3 subs get the same benefits as $10 Darksaber Patrons
Cheerer (Bits) Benefits:
- Exclusive Emote (1k Bits) -> Beep
- Exclusive Emote (1k Bits) -> XamCozy
If you can’t afford to sExclusive Emote (1k Bits) ->ubscribe or cheer (Bits), simply follow me on Twitch and/or lurking in my Streams whenever I’m live always helps! Regular chatters may also get the VIP Badge on.
Subscribe/Donate Monthly via Patreon & Ko-Fi
You can support Xam Xam with a small monthly payment via Patreon or Ko-Fi. Just $1 a month can go a long way! All funds from Patreon and Ko-Fi go towards the costs of running this website and buying tools & services to improve my content.
Here is a brief overview of the tiers. Patreon and Ko-Fi tiers are identical.
Blaster Pistols – $1

- General Support Tier.
Beskar – $5

- Exclusive Discord Channel Access – Chat with Xam Xam directly in the exclusive Xambear Discord Channels and get early announcements.
- Early Access to select Articles and Guides* before they’re published on MMO Bits.
- Note: Breaking News and Official Content Creator Exclusives will be exempt and will be published straight to MMO Bits.
- Bonus content* – Lore Readings (SWTOR, ESO & NW) and Uncensored Videos (any video uploaded to YouTube, where applicable).
- *Note Tier 1 Twitch Subscribers will get these benefits via Discord.
Darksabers – $10

- All rewards from the previous tiers +
- VIP Badge on Twitch*
- Fan Request – one Guide or Blog Post about a specific topic per month and I will create it (within reason). The topic can be MMO gaming related or be more specific to SWTOR, ESO or NW!
- Merch (Sticker) – Will be sent after 3 successful payments, must give your address to Patreon to receive it. Fulfilled by Patreon.
- Bonus Content – One Recipe per month and a bonus Lore Reading.
- *T&Cs – to get VIP status, you will have to message me your Twitch Username and have paid me last payment cycle. New pledges at this tier will only get VIP status once they have made ONE payment.
Deathstar – $50

A Flex Tier for those who want to offer extra support and show how rich they are. You will get all the benefits of the existing tiers!
- All the benefits of the previous tiers +
One-Off Monetary Donations
There are two ways you can tip/donate money to Xam Xam to help her improve her content:
- Buy me a Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/xam_xam
- Paypal https://www.paypal.me/XamXam
All donations/tips will go towards the cost of maintaining this website and buying tools & services to improve my content.
Whitelist this Website!
Please consider whitelisting this website if you use an Adblocker. Revenue from the Ads shown on this website is used to help pay for the cost of running this website. Note: Ad revenue alone does not fully cover the cost of running this website.
Join Xam Xam’s Community Discord Server to get instantly notified of new articles and guides published on MMO Bits plus chat with Xam Xam in the various text channels.
Link – https://discord.gg/EtEeupn