A bunch of new furnishing items are being added to Elder Scrolls Online in Update 43 from various sources. New furnishings include a Scribing Altar, plus a selection of West Weald themed furnishing schematics from Rolis Hlaalu and new structural Colovian themed furnishing schematics.
This Guide has been updated for the Update 43. Click on any image to enlarge it!
West Weald Writ Voucher Furnishing Schematics – Rolis Hlaalu
Rolis Hlaalu (Writ Voucher Vendor) is getting seven new West Weald themed furnishing schematics in Update 43. Each schematic costs 125 Writ Vouchers. Here are the details and previews for each furnishing schematic.
Rolis Hlaalu can be found in any faction capital.
Blueprint: Colovian Keg, Gigantic Wine
- Crafting Profession: Woodworking
- Materials:
- Heartwood (15)
- Regulus (15
- Mundane Rune (13)
- Decorative Wax (9)
- Nickel (20)
- Rosin (1)

Design: Dawnwood Platter, Feast
- Crafting Profession: Provisioning
- Materials:
- Decorative Wax (11)
- Clean Pelt (15)
- Alchemical Resin (11)
- Mundane Rune (11)
- Bone (20)
- Perfect Roe (1)

Diagram: Colovian Chandelier, Grapes
- Crafting Profession: Blacksmithing
- Interaction States: Turned Up, Turned Down
- Materials:
- Regulus (15)
- Alchemical Resin (13)
- Decorative Wax (10)
- Mundane Rune (11)
- Nickel (20)
- Temporing Alloy (1)

Formula: Colovian Alembic Set, Colourful
- Crafting Profession: Alchemy
- Materials:
- Alchemical Resin (13)
- Decorative Wax (11)
- Regulus (13)
- Heartwood (11)
- Nickel (20)

Pattern: Colovian Tapestry, Red Diamond
- Crafting Profession: Clothing
- Materials:
- Bast (15)
- Alchemical Resin (13)
- Decorative Wax (10)
- Regulus (11)
- Nickel (20)
- Dreugh Wax (1)

Praxis: Colovian Glassblower’s Furnace
- Crafting Profession: Enchanting
- Interaction States: Lit, Extinguished
- Materials:
- Mundane Rune (15)
- Alchemical Resin (13)
- Regulus (13)
- Heartwood (11)
- Nickel (20)
- Kuta (1)

Sketch: Colovian Mirror, Standing
- Crafting Profession: Jewellery Crafting
- Interaction States: Intact, Broken
- Materials:
- Ochre (10)
- Alchemical Resin (13)
- Decorative Wax (10)
- Regulus (11)
- Nickel (20)
- Chromium Plating (1)

Scribing Altar Furnishing
Update 43 also introduces a Scribing Altar Furnishing allowing you to Scribe from the comfort of your own home. The Scribing Altar can be obtained from the following sources.
- Faustina Curio (Faction Capitals) – 800 Writ Vouchers
- Alliance War Researcher (Cyrodiil) – 1,000,000 Alliance Points
- Filer Tezurs (Infinite Archive) – 30,000 Archival Fortunes
- Housing Editor – 2,500 Crowns

Apocrypha Jewellery Crafting Station
The new Apocrypha Jewellery Crafting Station is an Antiquity Furnishing. The leads can be obtained from the Infinite Archive.

Colovian Structural Furnishing Schematics
28 new Colovian themed structural furnishing patterns have been added to the Delve, World Boss and Mirrormoor Daily Reward Coffers. Here is a full list of all the schematics with screenshots below.
- Blueprint: Colovian Archway, Plaster
- Blueprint: Colovian Archway, Wooden
- Blueprint Colovian Banister Post, Wooden
- Blueprint: Colovian Banister, Wooden
- Blueprint Colovian Door, Painted
- Blueprint: Colovian Door, Wooden
- Blueprint: Colovian Doorway, Plaster
- Blueprint: Colovian Floor, Dual-Sided
- Blueprint Colovian Floor, Small Dual-Sided
- Blueprint: Colovian Pillar, Wooden
- Blueprint: Colovian Roof Gable, Large
- Blueprint: Colovian Staircase, Eastern Landing
- Blueprint: Colovian Staircase, Straight
- Blueprint: Colovian Staircase, Western Landing
- Blueprint: Colovian Trim, Short Wooden
- Blueprint: Colovian Trim, Wall
- Blueprint: Colovian Wall, Plaster
- Blueprint: Colovian Wall, Small Plaster
- Blueprint: Colovian Wall, Wooden
- Formula: Colovian Window, Peaked
- Formula: Colovian Window, Rectangular
- Praxis: Colovian Doorway, Stone
- Praxis: Colovian Fireplace, Stone
- Praxis: Colovian Garden Pillar, Stone
- Praxis: Colovian Garden Wall: Curved
- Praxis: Colovian Garden Wall: Straight
- Praxis: Colovian Platform: Circular
- Praxis: Colovian Wall, Flat Stone
Below are previews for each of the above furnishings. Click on an image to enlarge it.

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