First Light Retraction Overview & Screenshots

Old First Light Bramble Wall

First Light, a defunct starter zone in New World, is getting a significant makeover in anticipation of the upcoming expansion. The developers have blocked access to First Light in Season 2 and renamed it Old First Light to facilitate this. This is also referred to as the First Light Retraction.

New World First Light Has Fallen!

What happened to my Stuff in First Light?

  • If you owned a home in First Light, you should have been refunded the full cost of the house and all your furnishings should be in the “Old First Light” Storage Tab (Season 2 Patch Notes & Dev Video).
  • If you had items stored in the First Light storage tab prior to the Season 2 launch (which will now appear as the “Old First Light” tab), you can still take stuff out but you can’t put stuff in (Dev Video).
  • Trading Post Listings will eventually expire and no new postings can be made (Season 2 Patch Notes).
  • Companies controlling First Light at the time of Retraction should have been refunded for their losses (Season 2 Patch Notes).
New World First Light Season 1 Map
First Light Season 1 Map
New World Old First Light Zone Outline Season 2
Old First Light (Season 2) Zone Outline

What happened to the First Light Faction Control Point Buff?

The buff (Refining Bonus) has been moved to Weaver’s Fen and the Weaver’s Fen buff (Trade Tax Reduction) has been removed from the game for the time being (Season 2 Patch Notes).

First Light Border Comparison Screenshots

Here is a glimpse of the changes coming to First Light using comparison screenshots between Season 1 and Season 2. We can see what the new zone will look like by looking through the gaps between the bramble wall and the new plant life growing near it.

Windsward – Pride of Crato

Here are a couple of screenshots comparisons from the starter area in Windsward looking towards First Light.

Looking south-west
Looking south-east

Windsward – Spire of Kochab

Looking southwest towards First Light.

Windsward – Scratchrock Burrow

Looking southwest towards First Light.

Windsward – South of Eldergate Shrine

Looking south towards First Light.


Monarch’s Bluffs – Path East of Spyglass Ridge City

Looking south towards First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Spyglass Ridge City

Looking southeast towards First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Highpass Cavern

Looking east into First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Spiti Ruins

Looking southeast towards Elafry Pyrgo in First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Knight’s Hideaway

South of Knight’s Hideaway looking east towards First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Barnacles and Black Powder

Looking northeast towards First Light.

Cutlass Keys – Clearmons Doubt

Looking northeast towards First Light.

First Light Refugees – Dialogue and Conversations

Here are screenshots of all the dialogue with various First Light refugees and where they are located. These conversations hint at what happened and possibly what to expect in Old First Light when we get the Expansion/Season 3.

First Light Refugee Locations

New World First Light Refugee Location  Map Season 2
First Light Refugee Locations

Cutlass Keys – Julian Wade

Julian is located at the southern Cutlass Keys/First Light border at the rock archway.

New World First Light Refugee Julian Wade dialogue, located Cutlass Keys

Cutlass Keys – Agnetha Dahlberg

Agnetha is located on the Cutlass Keys/First Light border southwest of the Spiti Ruins and northwest of Elafry Pyrgo.

New World First Light Refugee Agnetha Dahlberg dialogue, located Cutlass Keys

Cutlass Keys – Gunter Rost

Gunter Rost is located at the southeastern entrance of Spyglass Ridge Settlement in Cutlass Keys.

New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys
New World First Light Refugee Gunter Rost dialogue, located Cutlass Keys

Windsward – Idris Makonnen & Tatsuya Ito

Idris and Tatsuya are located in the southwest corner of Windsward near the Cutlass Keys border.

New World First Light Refugee Idris Makonnen dialogue, located Windsward
New World First Light Refugee Tatsuya Ito dialogue, located Windsward

Windsward – Beatrice Marchand & Yuta Aoki

Beatrice and Yuta are located just south of Eldergate Spirit Shrine in Windsward.

New World First Light Refugee Beatrice Marchand dialogue, located Windsward
New World First Light Refugee Yuta Aoki dialogue, located Windsward

If you are interested in what Monarch’s Bluffs Settlement, Prydwen used to look like before it got revamped with the Brimstone Sands expansion, you can check out my article showcasing before and after screenshot comparisons.

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