Star Wars recently announced Lucasfilm Gaming as the reformed central entity for all Star Wars Video Games titles. is thrilled to reveal that Lucasfilm Games is now the official identity for all gaming titles from Lucasfilm, a name that encompasses the company’s rich catalogue of video games and its eye toward the future.
To accompany the announcement was a sizzle reel (video) celebrating various past and present Star Wars video games. Among the footage of various Star Wars Games and game collaborations were clips from the one and only Star Wars MMORPG, Star War The Old Republic.
All the footage was from content already released. Most of it was from the Knights of the Eternal Throne ‘Betrayed’ Trailer but there was one brief in-game clip from Onslaught as well.
Here are screengrabs of all The Old Republic footage shown in the Sizzle Reel with timestamps.

Are you curious to see what Lucsafilm Gaming does? Were you surprised to see The Old Republic featured?
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