6.2 Pyrotech Powertech PvE Guide
An overview of the Pyrotech Powertech Discipline covering abilities, passives, utilities, gear, stats and rotations.
An overview of the Pyrotech Powertech Discipline covering abilities, passives, utilities, gear, stats and rotations.
An overview of the Rage Juggernaut Discipline. This guide covers Abilities and Passives, Utilities, Gearing and Stats, Rotations and some Tips.
SWTOR Game Update 6.1 Madness Sorcerer PvE Class Guide. A dot spec with excellent single target and AoE damage capability.
Juggernaut tanks are one of the three tank classes in SWTOR. This guide covers the basics about rotation, gearing (including tacticals and amplifiers) and abilities.
Sorc healing is fun and right now it’s more so because it’s currently “weaker” than other specs. Sorcs still have the ability to pull more healing on most fights if abilities are used correctly and you preemptively prepare for the damage that comes out.
Annihilation Marauder is currently one of the best specs overall for Nightmare level content. It has amazing raid utility, your survivability is unreal, and of course, ridiculous damage if managed correctly.
A written guide to the Carnage Marauder Discipline in Star War The Old Republic by Dantiko.
An indepth overview of the Vengeance Juggernaut and Vigilance Guardian Disciplines covering gearing, stats, rotations and tips!
6.3 Vengeance Juggernaut/Vigilance Guardian PvE Guide Read More »